I love the smell of coffee - especially on a day like today when some colder, drier air is blowing through Texas, and we can all rejoice that another long, hot summer is finally over. Every night before we go to bed, I set the coffee pot ready to go for the morning, so all we have to do is push the button and it starts brewing, filling the kitchen with that wonderful aroma. Then every afternoon, whether we are at the office or at home, we brew a pot and enjoy the taste and smell again. Every morning and every afternoon Eli and I come together for a few minutes over a pot of coffee to talk about our day - what is happening, what is on the horizon, things we are trying to work through, people and things we are praying for - those two pots of coffee that we share every day have been an important touchstone in our lives.
It was just over one year ago that all of us in this part of Texas were sitting under that unwelcome visitor, Hurricane Harvey. Even as I write this, the poor east coast is sitting underneath a storm that just keeps raining. We are in the thick of hurricane season, so let’s take a moment to think about storms in life.
Here are two thought-provoking questions - what should life be like? What makes life, or even one day in life, good? The Bible says in Romans chapter 8 that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Not life or death, not angels or demons, not the present or the future, no powers, not height or depth – nothing in all creation is able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. This is one of the most beautiful and reassuring passages in the Bible. But wait – we read this, maybe even memorize it, but still we do not manage to get it down into our hearts. So many of us even as Christians have such a tremendous misconception of who God is and what His love is like.
What I Learned From Corrie ten Boom On “What I Learned From…” days, I hope to tell you about all kinds of people, places, and things that have been impactful and encouraging to me. A perfect start is with a woman named Corrie ten Boom - you have probably heard of her, but I would love for you to know her better. She was Dutch, and lived from 1892-1983. Her entire life was remarkable, and you can read all about it in a book called The Hiding Place.
She and her family were strong Christians who harbored many Jewish people during the Nazi Occupation of Holland during World War II. Because of this, they were eventually betrayed by a neighbor, arrested by the Nazis, and subjected to horrible, brutal treatment in prisons and concentration camps. But the amazing thing is that she and her sister experienced the miracle of God with them in the middle of that horrifying time... |
Hi! I'm Mary - mother to two wonderful grown daughters, wife to an incredible husband, and loving our life in the piney woods of Texas... (read more!)
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January 2025