I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you are having a lovely, peaceful weekend with the people you love. As I write this, the dishwasher and washing machine are running, helping me to finish the cleanup after a beautiful gathering of four generations. We had a delicious meal and entirely too much dessert, and shared a fun evening of reminiscing and rejoicing, with so many reasons to give our thanks to God. He is so good, and His blessings are so abundant! Adding even more loveliness to our gathering was the pleasant fact that it was seasonably cool outside. This made it really feel like Thanksgiving, which is not at all a sure thing in East Texas, and it reminded me of something I wrote a couple of weeks ago... Break out the best china and blow up the balloons, let the land rejoice with singing and shouting! For today in the great state of Texas, the first cold front of the season has arrived—glory, hallelujah! I just met our older daughter and her adorable brood of children for lunch, and you should have seen how cute those kids were when they stepped out of the van into the crisp air. If they had tails, they would have wagged them, and they frolicked just like our pups did when we went outside this morning. The kids laughed and shouted—in fact, we all laughed and shouted, for the long summer is finally over! I have wondered what the weather would have been like if sin had never entered the picture, and we had never had to leave the Garden of Eden. Though I would be tempted to guess it would have been perfectly mild and balmy all the time, it’s impossible to say, as I know there are actually people who dearly love hot and humid weather and feel like they might freeze to death on a day like today. All I know is that I did a little shopping after lunch, and was truly amazed how happy everyone was everywhere I went. People around here are usually friendly, but today everyone was positively gracious after months of triple-digit temperature days, not to mention warm and sultry nights. We who endure so many months of extreme hot just come alive with rejoicing when the cool air finally breaks through. The weather change was our topic of conversation for at least the first ten minutes of our lunchtime together, and my daughter commented that she was not sure if those in a milder climate could appreciate a 60° day in quite the same way. The Lord is very wise, and He must love new things since He is always making things new. The four seasons built into the ebb and flow of each year are such a vivid picture of HIs creativity, and remind us to see hope and beauty in every phase of life. I have always loved the way the changing seasons are so visible in the yearly growth cycle of the trees and plants in our garden. Right now the hardwood trees are so warm and colorful as they sing their autumn song, and the last pink blooms of our climbing rose share their sweet fragrance before a winter sleep. But there is so much to look forward to later! We have one tree that bursts into pink tulip-like blossoms each spring, bringing so much joy to our hearts, and even as it sheds its leaves this autumn, I can see the buds setting for next spring. The question is whether we could admire the new fresh growth of spring on the tree in quite the same way without first experiencing the cold and fruitless winter? Along that same line of thought, it is so hard for most of us to appreciate normal life properly unless we for some reason have had an abnormal season of life. I attended a birthday party last weekend for a friend whose family has endured a terrible season of suffering in the last year. Unimaginable conflict and trouble emerged around a tragic life event, and this family suffered a horrific season of confusion and dismay. Time has passed, and the Lord is so good and so faithful to help and encourage us in times of need. So when this group gathered together to celebrate, the rejoicing was profound and moving. Much joy and laughter filled the home, and the gratitude of those present was something you could sense in the air. Everyone there was nourished by the delicious reality, newly understood: though the weeping may last through the night, the joy comes in the morning. Suffering is not something that we enjoy in any capacity. We don’t like to experience it, and we don’t even like to talk about it. But once we start to read the Bible with the lens of suffering in place, we see it is a profound theme of life with Jesus. In God‘s kingdom, which is nothing at all like the kingdom of the world, suffering should never catch us off-guard. The Lord is good, and does not design awful circumstances for people to be a part of; but it turns out that we do quite well at walking into those awful circumstances ourselves, especially with the help of a broken world and an evil enemy. But God is amazing, and uses every last bit of suffering that a person might endure to strengthen and refine that person, and to conform them into the image of Christ. Just like the people in Texas are appreciating this first cold front because they just endured another long, hot summer, it is impossible to understand how amazing it is to feel well unless you have been sick. It is hard to understand how precious is the faithfulness and friendship of God unless you have been betrayed by someone close. It is difficult to understand how beautiful it is to be loved unless you have been alone. Christ Jesus endured all of those things. He is so amazing and understands fully everything that we go through. He is the God who draws near to us; He left Glory to come down and walk among us through our pain and through our suffering, and He understands better than we know. If they had feelings, I guess there wouldn't be a single lump of coal that would want to be smashed under a mountain of pressure for long enough to become a diamond. I don’t suppose there would be rock in the world that would want to be thrown into such a hot fire to be refined. But there is just no other way to become shining gold or a brilliant diamond. Some of you reading this are walking through a difficult season right now, and I want to encourage you today. Lean into the strong arms of the Father who loves you, and let Him give you the strength and courage to run with perseverance the race marked out for you, fixing your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. I pray that you are able to look around and see a glimmer of life and hope today. Keep your mind on what you know is true, which is what the Lord has spoken in His word. Do not let your circumstances lie to you, and try to convince you that God is not good after all. He is good, and He is right there with you in your suffering. Let Him hold you and carry you through. For those of you who have endured the long night of sorrow and are waking up to the joyful morning, I rejoice with you! I pray that this amazing awareness does not ever leave you. I pray that God gives you the words to explain your new understanding to the rest of us as you have opportunity, so that many will be strengthened along with you through your experience. I pray that your heart will be softened towards others, and that you will be filled with compassion and grace towards those around you, so that many will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord. As the year turns from autumn to winter, let's allow Emmanuel to give us a new perspective throughout this season. May His light shine brightly in our hearts, even moreso as the days grow shorter, and may the lessons of the dark encourage us in the brighter days to come. I will exalt you, Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead; you spared me from going down to the pit. Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:1-5 I'm so thrilled to announce that my new book is out! Friday Night on the Frio River is a fun, inspiring adventure for any young adult on your gift list, and is available for purchase online anywhere books are sold. Click here to order your copy today...
Today is Veterans Day, and I celebrate all of you reading this who have served the country—thank you for all you have done! As a Navy brat, I have always been so grateful for the many life lessons that were afforded me by growing up with a parent in the service. I want to give a special shout-out to my father today, my favorite veteran, and I would also love to share a recent insight my childhood experience allowed. I hope that it will bless you as it blessed me! My husband and I recently took a trip to Savannah, somewhere I’ve always wanted to experience. What a unique and lovely city—there is so much history and beauty there, and I hope you get the chance to visit sometime. Not many cities in the USA have so much of the original footprint still in use, and parts of the town date back to the 1730’s. The layout is fascinating and unique, and I loved every minute of our time there. One morning, we were able to spend some time walking through an interesting old fort nearby, which reminded me so much of some of the bases we lived on in my childhood. I guess there is just not a whole lot that can be changed about a military compound, no matter the era or the branch of service! I am not a veteran myself, nor have I studied military science, so I make no claim of anything beyond casual observation. I was born to a serviceman, and spent my entire childhood with my family on many bases across the country. From what I saw, it seems that a base needs to be relatively compact so it is easy to guard and defend. It must have space to store and repair and quickly access equipment and weaponry. And it needs to have a place for all of the personnel to sleep, eat, and use the facilities, with bonus areas such as a chapel, officers’ and enlisteds’ clubs, commissary, athletic facilities, and even an occasional movie theater or bowling alley. That recent morning, we were standing and looking over a huge area that used to contain the town which supported the actual fort back in its mid-19th century day. All of those structures are long gone, but there was a sign (how patient my husband is while I read every single sign!) which had an artist’s rendering of the old village. On one end were the stables, enlisted quarters, and all of the accompanying services. On the other end, further from the potential danger of the fort itself, were the officers’ quarters, hospital, restaurant, commissary, and chapel. In the middle of this nicest and safest part of the village was one house, larger and significantly more beautiful and comfortable than all of the others, for the commanding officer of the base. And it was right then that the Holy Spirit dropped this scripture into my ear… “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” I can picture this, because I have experienced something like it here on earth… I have lived in the captain’s quarters, and I know just what it means for your father’s house to be an amazing place to dwell. I looked at that map of the old village and my heart was so warmed as the Lord reminded me how wonderful it feels to know that you get to live in the beautiful, best home. My childhood experience is one that every follower of Christ can look forward to, only infinitely more so—you belong in the Father’s house! If you were to read a little further in that passage in John 14, you would see that this is when Jesus tells His disciples that He is actually the way to God. All of us who have believed that Jesus is God the Son, who have accepted the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father, have found the way to this home—to God’s house. What is it like to live in that most beautiful house? Let’s try to imagine, looking from the perspective of the children in that 1800s captain’s home… -All of the children who live there are safe and comfortable. They are cared for, not sparingly but lavishly, by kind and caring agents of the lord of the manor. They are treated and viewed with special care and honor--not because of what the children themselves have done or not done, but simply because of who their father is. -No matter what is going on in the world, the children are safely kept home in the well-defended house. Their father is the one who goes out to fight, backed by the efficacy and entirety of the greatest force ever assembled. -More, the children in that grand house never have to worry about whether there will be enough to eat, or a safe place to lay their head, or enough to pay the bills, or what might happen in the future, or any other difficult adult dilemma—their father takes care of all of those things. -It doesn’t matter what anyone else says or thinks of the child, or even what the child thinks of himself. No one can take away the reality that they are a son or daughter of the lord of the home, and therefore entitled to all of the rights and privileges of such. -The house itself is beautiful and so comfortable—the finest wood floors and paneling, beautiful cabinetry and decorative flourishes, shining light fixtures and exquisite detail in every room. There are reading nooks and places to sit and look out at the perfectly manicured yard on every side of the house. The garden is filled with the most luxurious flora, filling the whole area with their lovely scent, and adding color and beauty in every direction. -The bedrooms upstairs are plentiful and spacious, with room for each of the children of the house, as well as for any weary traveler who happens to find themselves taken in by the lord’s hospitality. The rooms are large and well-appointed, each with a fireplace and large windows to let in plenty of light and air, with the scent of rose and wisteria floating up from the garden below. -And the center of the home is the enormous dining room, serviced by the kitchen and its well-stocked pantry. Very often, the whole house is filled with delicious smells and happy laughter and conversation as the expansive table is set and packed with family and important guests and dignitaries from near and far. The table’s host spares no expense to feed and entertain and treat the people gathered at the feast. Just being in this wonderful house makes a daughter or son stand a little straighter and taller, experiencing the dignity that comes from being a child of the lord of the home. Of course, with the many blessings and privileges come some real responsibilities, but that is an idea for another time. For today, the thought is that the children of God get to live in God’s wonderful, beautiful, safe, protected, luxurious house. Right now, for all of God’s children around the world, this is a spiritual reality, but one day it will also be a physical reality for all of us, and it will last for eternity! In the meantime, take some time to think about what this truth means for your life right now, today. You are a daughter or son of God the Most High. Through your faith in His faithful Son, He has welcomed you into His courts and into His family. Read the amazing truth of Romans 8, “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ!! Sufferings in this life do not mean that you have been forsaken—rather, often just the opposite. You are a beloved child of the King, and invited to share everything He has, now and forever. Nothing can separate you from Him and His love and care for you. You get to live in His house, and when you’re safely in His home, no enemy or foe can actually touch the real, spiritual you. All they can do is push you closer to your Father, which is always a wonderful thing. No matter your age, you are a child in His house. You don’t need to worry about anything at all, as your Father has all you need and will take care of you. You are safe, you are protected, you are seen, you are valued, and you are deeply loved by the most important Person in the universe - welcome home! Very exciting news coming so soon—watch this space for a new release in time for the holidays! |
Hi! I'm Mary - mother to two wonderful grown daughters, wife to an incredible husband, and loving our life in the piney woods of Texas... (read more!)
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